Monday, November 22, 2010

Less than 2 weeks to go!

We are so so anxious! Less than 2 weeks to go...I have another dr. appt tomorrow and I am hoping there is progress. Thanksgiving is this week so we would love to enjoy turkey dinner and then welcome her into the world this weekend (if she is ready!!)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

38 weeks

Still waiting and it is really exciting not knowing when baby is due to arrive! The doctor said I was 1 cm dialated so we are making progress! We are all betting within the next week but what do we know? We do know that we can't wait to meet her!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Some pics of Mom and Dad ; ) and updated nursery pics....

A nightlight fit for a Princess!

Updated pics of the room...Still a work in progress but it is coming along

Dan and his godson ; )

Anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Princess!

At the pumpkin patch....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

37 weeks

We were hoping that the doctor would say anyday now! She definitely told us it could be...but it could also be Dec. 3 due date or later! I am starting to get some major back pain and Dan is really stepping it up by doing everything around the house to make my life easier! We are ready and waiting to find out if this is a November or December princess!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pictures from my friends shower!

Emily, Melissa and Jane threw me a GREAT shower! It was so much fun.

36 weeks

At four weeks to go, Dan and I were surprised when the doctor told us that it may not be as long of a wait as we thought! Baby girl is head down and ready to go! We are so excited but nervous too! We are wondering..will it be a Thanksgiving baby or still a December princess?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

5 weeks to go!

I can't believe that we are a little over a month away! I am feeling pretty good although VERY TIRED and I can feel Baby Brady getting bigger and bigger! We are pretty much ready...just finishing some decorating touches on the baby room.

Dan told me something was waiting for the baby in the crib and I found our newest member, Tumba (picture to right). What a cute dad!

Next week we start going to the doctor every week and I am anxious to see how the countdown progresses ; )

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Surprise Baby shower today at work!

My co-worker, Anna Thomas, and I are 4 weeks apart and we were surprised with a shower at work today! So fun ; ) Love the bedazzled onesies.


7 weeks to go from today! I am feeling pretty good. She is kicking up a storm and I can't be away from a bathroom for more than 20 minutes but we are getting more and more ready. Dan organized the closet to accomodate all of our new baby towels, washcloths and tub! I have washed all of the clothes and am thinking about starting to pack some things in a bag to get ready for our hospital visit. We have our baby birthing class this weekend so after that we will just wait until she is ready to meet us!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The room is finished! Dan worked SO hard on crown molding, baseboards and making it Princess Pink but I think that the best part is the chandelier! Now we have to decorate.....

I added some belly pics at 30 weeks! Haley is also very excited and she is very confused by all of the squeaky toys so we got her one of her own ; ).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Third Trimester!

We just entered into the 3rd trimester and so much has happened since I blogged last! My belly is growing on a daily basis now and she is kicking up a storm! Dad tried his hand at crown molding and baseboards in the baby room over the weekend and she is going to have a nicer place to sleep than we do! I start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now and it is hard to believe that she will be here in 12 weeks! The first shower went well....she got SO many pink clothes! I think we could dress her in a new outfit everyday ; ). We are very excited. Mom is feeling good and the fall weather is getting us excited for our final weeks of preparation!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

22 weeks!

Mom is starting to get BIG at 22 weeks. Our baby girl has been kicking away and dad finally felt her kick for the first time over the weekend. I am feeling her kick daily now which is so fun! I went to register over the weekend and I am still stunned at how much a little one needs! It was so much fun though and we are starting to work on the PINK nursery for our little Princess.

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's a girl!

Dad and I found out on Thursday that we were having a girl! Dad claims to have known through the whole ultrasound and mom had tears when she found out. We were both so excited to go out and buy our first pink outfit! It was fun calling all the relatives and informing Grandma and Grandad Meyer that there was going to FINALLY be a girl amongst all those boys! Let the shopping begin! We are halfway there.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Boy or Girl?

Dan and I are sitting here debating boy or girl? We can't wait to find out in less than two weeks! We have an exciting month. The furniture gets delivered next weekend and we find out the sex on July 15! Dad will be busy once we know what it is...we will finally be able to decide on a paint color and get started on the room! Haley is a little sad because her room is going to be taken over by our newest addition but we haven't forgotten about our baby Haley!

She sleeps with mom every night to keep her company until the baby comes.

18 weeks and counting!

Dan and I celebrated our (belated) one year anniversary in Chicago last weekend. Baby Brady didn't bug us at all and I felt great all weekend! We look forward to bringing him or her back up there to enjoy mom's favorite city when they are old enough.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Welcome to our blog! Baby Brady is 16 weeks along....

And Baby makes FOUR!

Dan and I found out that we were expecting an addition to our family December 3, 2010. I surprised him by showing him the positive test on March 25th. We know that Haley may miss our full attention but we are so excited!

We are heading to Chicago this weekend to celebrate our first anniversary and have our last "alone" time before the big day!

Every one has been great and so supportive during these first few weeks (especially the daddy to be!). Dan has been taking care of me since I have not been feeling well and this baby is making me SUPER tired!